Resources for Encore! Kids: imaginings
Imaginings is the third installment of our three-year Encore! Kids cycle. (Next year is Peter and the Wolf!)
Whether your a classroom teacher, a homeschooler, or parent, below you'll find some additional resources to help your children prepare for the concert experience.
The children are expected to be prepared to sing three songs with the orchestra, "Twilight," "My Favorite Things," and "Count on Me."
The student workbook
Click here to download the student workbook.
The Concert Experience - videos, links, and downloads
Theme from “Harry Potter” (listen) Click here or on video to right to hear composer John Williams' describe in his own words while listening to the music why he chose certain instruments for specific effects in his magical score to Harry Potter. (kids listen to performance)
Twilight – Encore! Kids Theme Song * (kids sing along)
Maestro Wolff composed this catchy theme song. Click here to download a rehearsal piano track to sing along with. Click on the video to the right from last year's Encore! Kids concerts to listen/watch Twilight with full orchestra.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Charles Dukas
(listen and watch)
Rhythm Challenge (the audience is divided into sections and imitates their rhythm leader)
“My Favorite Things” from “The Sound of Music” * by Rodgers & Hammerstein (children sing). Click here to download the orchestral rehearsal track in key and version we'll be performing at the concert.
The video to the right with lyrics is a whole step lower and doesn't quite match the version we're performing, but it's in the original version from the film.
Symphonic Suite from “Harry Potter” by John Williams (children listen see video above)
Name that Tune Challenge (children interact with performers in a rhythm game)
Accelerando MASHUP: Bruno Mars’ “Count on Me” meets Jean Sibelius’ “Fifth Symphony” * (You’ll be invited to stand to sing/dance/clap ad lib.) Stay tuned for posting of video with choreography! See video below of the final two minutes of Sibelius epic fifth Symphony that Maestro Wolff and the Philharmonic will be "mashing up" with "Count on Me." How might these epically contrasting works blend into one?
{ Click here to download a digital mock-up of the Mash-Up. }
Learn the Moves to "Count on Me" Music Teacher Luke Arno choreographed the song for the concert and his students help us learn the moves.
Encore! The “encore” will be a surprise! (see clue in video at bottom of page...)
* These three songs require preparation in Music Class.